you're busy building your empire and don't have time for...
web design tweaks, website updates,
website troubleshooting, website redesign…
...or maybe you have a list of these things you need taken care of and
want to hand them over to a professional to work on for a day (or two or three)?
book a VIP DAY with me and together we will cross those things off your list!
That’s right, you can book me by for a day! ...and I will revamp your website in no time!
so what is possible in a day?
sales page design
Create a new sales page, or update and redesign a current sales page (short/medium length) for your offer that’s beautifully designed to convert! (longer pages may need additional day)
web design
Hand over your copy and I will re-design, refresh or recreate a template website with a strategic design that makes your brand shine! (2-3 pages in a day, 4-5 pages in two days.)
list of task
Maybe you need PDFs or a deck design, or a course platform set up, landing page and e-mail integration or a combination of all of the above?

how it works...
it's simple ...
you + me. one day.

schedule your vip day
investment $10,000
Get started today with your one-time payment of $7,50o or pay a $3,750 deposit today + $3,750 on your VIP DAY
something i do want to point out...
It’s important to note when you book a VIP DAY(s) you’re booking my time, not set of deliverables. However, I am good at what I do and I’ve created a streamlined and efficient system that allows us to achieve maximum results in minimum time.
Results are heavily on dependent on the Client having ALL pre-work completed before the intensive starts and is available to provide feedback quickly during the intensive. Your scheduled day(s) solely dedicated to your project (no calls, phone notifications, or other distractions allowed). All my focus is guaranteed to be on YOU!
Every VIP DAY is different and uniquely tailored to your specific goals in order to achieve the best results possible.
If you're not sure if a VIP DAY is the right solution for you, you can book a free Discovery call with me where we discuss your goals to see if it will be a good fit.
questions before booking...
how should i prepare for my VIP day?
I’ll send you a detailed onboarding guide so you know exactly what to have prepared before we kick things off. My goal is to make this as hands-off for you as possible, though, so I’ll only send you the absolute essentials that I need to be able to do my job.
is there anything you don’t do?
Plenty! And there’s a lot that I can help you with that isn’t listed above. If you have an idea and you’re wondering if it’s something I do, email me directly!
is my website going to work?
I will tell you 100% if I think you’re headed in the wrong direction. Some trial and error is common with web design (as with anything!), but I’ve helped over $$$ women build brands and high ticket offers, and as my client, you get to benefit from the wealth of experience from my business and avoid making some common rookie mistakes in yours.
do you offer payment plans?
Yes, when you book your date you'll see the option to choose a payment plan if your reserved date is far enough out.
What if I want to build this out myself? Can you just give me advice & I'l do the rest?
Yes! The Power Hour is for you! 👇🏽
power hour
A brand or design strategy session packed into a 90-minute session.
You bring your wild ideas and let me and I’ll bring my stubborn insistence that they are a lot more realistic than you think. All brilliant women like you should be making millions all while sipping a Mai Tai on the shores of Hawaii.
What you'll walk away with...
👉🏽 90 minute call where our goal is to arrive at design-plan clarity + immediate action steps
👉🏽 A recording of our conversation (so you don’t have to take notes and you can focus on getting all your questions answered!)
investment: $495

© 2021 skania yasmina & co. all rights reserved.